Photo of Danyo Danev

Danyo Danev

Associate Professor, Docent

Publication list

Recent preprints

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson, Strong Convergence of a Random Actions Model in Opinion Dynamics (2024)

Journal papers

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G Larsson,  Strong Convergence of a Random Actions Model in Opinion Dynamics, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING OVER NETWORKS 10:147-161 (2024)

P. Boyvalenkov, Danyo Danev, M. Stoyanova,  Refinements of Levenshtein Bounds in q-ary Hamming Spaces, Problems of Information Transmission 54:329-342 (2018)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  Massive MIMO for Communications With Drone Swarms, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17:1604-1629 (2018)

Erik G. Larsson, Danyo Danev, Mikael Olofsson, Simon Sörman,  Teaching the Principles of Massive MIMO, IEEE signal processing magazine (Print) 34:40-47 (2017)

Fei ZeSong, Xing ChengWen, Li Na, Han YanTao, Danyo Danev, Kuang JingMing,  Power allocation for OFDM-based cognitive heterogeneous networks, Science China Information Sciences 56:1-10 (2013)

Xing ChengWen, Fei ZeSong, Li Na, Han YanTao, Danyo Danev, Kuang JingMing,  Statistically robust resource allocation for distributed multi-carrier cooperative networks, Science China Information Sciences 56:109-121 (2013)

Danyo Danev, Stefan Dodunekov, Diana Radkova,  A family of constacyclic ternary quasi-perfect codes with covering radius 3, DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY 59:111-118 (2011)

Erik G. Larsson, Danyo Danev,  Accuracy Comparison of LS and Squared-Range LS for Source Localization, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58:916-923 (2010)

Erik Axell, Erik G. Larsson, Danyo Danev,  Capacity Considerations for Uncoordinated Communication in Geographical Spectrum Holes, Physical Communication 2:3-9 (2009)

Danyo Danev, Stefan Dodunekov,  A Family of Ternary Quasi-Perfect BCH Codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 49:265-271 (2008)

Eduard A. Jorswieck, Erik G. Larsson, Danyo Danev,  Complete Characterization of the Pareto Boundary for the MISO Interference Channel, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56:5292-5296 (2008)

Danyo Danev,  Some constructions of superimposed codes in Euclidean spaces, Discrete Applied Mathematics 128:85-101 (2003)

Danyo Danev,  Superimposed Codes in Rn Obtained from Spherical Codes, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6:98-106 (2001)

Peter Boyvalenkov, Danyo Danev,  Uniqueness of the 120-point spherical 11-design in four dimensions, Archiv der Mathematik 77:360-368 (2001)

Danyo Danev, Jonas Olsson,  On a sequence of cyclic codes with minimum distance six, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46:673-674 (2000)

Conference papers

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G Larsson,  Structural Balance Considerations for Networks with Preference Orders as Node Attributes, 2022 56TH ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS, AND COMPUTERS, Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers, pp. 1255-1261, IEEE (2022)

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G Larsson,  Opinion Dynamics with Random Actions and a Stubborn Agent, CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE 2019 FIFTY-THIRD ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS & COMPUTERS, Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers, pp. 1486-1490, IEEE (2019)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  On the Zero-Forcing Receiver Performance for Massive MIMO Drone Communications, 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), pp. 930-934, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2018)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G Larsson,  On the Outage Capacity in Massive MIMO with Line-of-Sight, 2017 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ADVANCES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (SPAWC), IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, IEEE (2017)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  Massive MIMO as Enabler for Communications with Drone Swarms, 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (ICUAS), International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, pp. 347-354, IEEE (2016)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  On Ergodic Rates and Optimal Array Geometry in Line-of-Sight Massive MIMO, (2016)

Chaitanya Tumula V.K., Danyo Danev, Erik G Larsson,  Constant envelope signal space diversity, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings, pp. 3147-3151, IEEE conference proceedings (2014)

Yi Wu, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  Improved Detection of ACK/NACK Messages in the LTE Uplink Control Channel, IEEE (2012)

Yi Wu, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson,  On ACK/NACK messages detection in the LTE PUCCH with multiple receive antennas, Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012, pp. 994-998, IEEE COMPUTER SOC (2012)

Danyo Danev,  On Signal Detection Techniques for the DVB-T Standard, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), pp. 1-5 (2010)

Danyo Danev, Erik Axell, Erik G. Larsson,  Spectrum Sensing Methods for Detection of DVB-T Signals in AWGN and Fading Channels, Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 2721-2726 (2010)

Stefan Roth, Gan Jiansong, Danyo Danev,  Subframe allocation for relay networks in the LTE advanced standard, Proceedings of IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010, pp. 1758-1763 (2010)

Danyo Danev, Stefan Dodunekov, Diana Radkova,  A Family of Constacyclic Ternary Quasi-Perfect Codes with  Covering Radius 3, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC’09), pp. 111-118 (2009)

Erik G. Larsson, Danyo Danev, Eduard A. Jorswieck,  Asymptotically Optimal Transmit Strategies for the Multiple Antenna Interference Channel, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton’08), pp. 708-714 (2008)

Danyo Danev, Daniel Puaca,  New majority logic decoding algorithm for Reed-Muller codes, International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics 2007, pp. 203-208 (2007)

Danyo Danev, Stefan Dodunekov,  A Family of Ternary Quasi-Perfect Codes, INRIA, Paris, France (2007)

Danyo Danev, Mikael Grimnell, Mats Tjäder, Hugo Tullberg,  Efficient Message-Passing Decoding of LDPC Codes using Vector-based Messages, IEEE, Seattle, WA (2006)

Tobias Ahlström, Danyo Danev,  Superimposed Codes for CDMA over Fiber Optic Channels, Ninth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory 2004, pp. 14-19 (2004)

Book chapters

Danyo Danev, Miklós Ruszinkó, Bálint Laczay,  Multiple Access Adder Channel, Multiple Access Channels - Theory and Practice, Ezio Biglieri and László Györfi (ed.), pp. 26-53, IOS Press, Amsterdam (2007)

Danyo Danev, Zoltán Füredi, Miklós Ruszinkó,  Multiple Access Euclidean Channel, Multiple Access Channels - Theory and Practice, Ezio Biglieri and László Györfi (ed.), pp. 54-72, IOS Press, Amsterdam (2007)


Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson, Structural Balance Considerations for Networks with Preference Orders as Node Attributes (2022)

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson, On the Impact of Random Actions on Opinion Dynamics (2020)

Olle Abrahamsson, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson, Opinion Dynamics with Random Actions and a Stubborn Agent (2019)

Peter Boyvalenkov, Danyo Danev, Linear Programming Bounds (2019)

Peter Boyvalenkov, Danyo Danev, Maya Stoyanova, Refinements of Levenshtein bounds in \(q\)-ary Hamming spaces (2018)

Prabhu Chandhar, Danyo Danev, Erik G. Larsson, Massive MIMO for Communications with Drone Swarms (2017)