Fotografi av Jian Zhou

Jian Zhou




Jian Zhou, Björn Olofsson, Erik Frisk,  Interaction-Aware Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles With Multi-Modal Obstacle Uncertainty Predictions, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 9:1305-1319 (2024)


Jian Zhou, Arvind Balachandran, Björn Olofsson, Lars Nielsen, Erik Frisk,  Homotopic Optimization for Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvering, 2024 35TH IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM, IEEE IV 2024, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 2561-2568, IEEE (2024)

Oskar Lind Jonsson, Arvind Balachandran, Jian Zhou, Björn Olofsson, Lars Nielsen,  Investigating Characteristics and Opportunities for Rear-Wheel Steering, Proceedings of AVEC’24 – Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Giampiero Mastinu, Francesco Braghin, Federico Cheli, Matteo Corno, Sergio M. Savaresi (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 151-157 (2024)

Yulong Gao, Shuhao Yan, Jian Zhou, Mark Cannon, Alessandro Abate, Karl H. Johansson,  Learning-based Rigid Tube Model Predictive Control, 6TH ANNUAL LEARNING FOR DYNAMICS & CONTROL CONFERENCE, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pp. 492-503, JMLR-JOURNAL MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH (2024)

Jian Zhou, Björn Olofsson, Erik Frisk,  Interaction-Aware Moving Target Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicles Motion Planning, 2022 EUROPEAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ECC), pp. 154-161, IEEE (2022)


Yulong Gao, Shuhao Yan, Jian Zhou, Mark Cannon, Alessandro Abate, Karl H. Johansson,  Robust Tube Model Predictive Control with Uncertainty Quantification for Discrete-Time Linear Systems


Jian Zhou,  Context-Aware Predictive Motion Planning for Safe Autonomous Driving, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations 2424, Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping (2024)


Jian Zhou,  Interaction and Uncertainty-Aware Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Model Predictive Control, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate Thesis 1964, Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping (2023)